Disclaimer e-mails


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Liebherr Appliances Belgium SA ne garantit pas la transmission correcte et complète du contenu d’un e-mail, ni un éventuel retard dans sa réception. Liebherr Appliances Belgium SA exclut toute responsabilité liée à la transmission électronique.


The information contained in this e-mail message is intended solely for the addressee. Use of this information by persons other than the intended recipient and use by those who are not entitled to take cognizance of the information is prohibited. If you are not the addressee, or are not entitled to hear,

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Liebherr Appliances Belgium SA does not guarantee the proper and complete transmission of the contents of an e-mail, nor for any delay in its receipt. Liebherr Appliances Belgium SA excludes any liability arising from electronic transmission.

© 2024 Liebherr Appliances Belgium SA Tous droits réservés.